Figures for today

The data are referred to the specified gas day, starting at 6.00 a.m of the indicated day and ending at 6.00 a.m of the following day.
Gas quantities may change substantially from working days to holidays, due to the consumption variation in the industrial and power generation sector.
Deliveries to local distribution networks (where most of consumption is represented by the civil sector) may change mainly due to climatic conditions.
Data are published in compliance to the provisions of Ruling n° 137/02, Ruling ARG/gas 45/11 and Regulation EC n° 715/2009.

The provision of information in units different from those set forth in Network code is carried out in compliance with the provisions of Regulation EC n° 715/2009. In case of any inconsistency, of whatever nature, related to the usage of such units, the units indicated in the Network code shall prevail.

Figures for today

  • Nomination report for the "Gas-Day"

  • Renomination report for the "Gas-Day"

  • Renomination report for the "Gas-Day"

  • .

18 March 2024 - 10:12 CET