Procedure for the management of the information flows concerning PIV

According to ARERA Resolution n. 210/2015/R/GAS, Snam Rete Gas has introduced the concept of "Punto di Entrata Virtuale (PIV)",useful to the management of biomethane volumes directly or indirectly (through gas wagon) injected from plants connected to the distribution grid or other TSOs.

As laid out by Snam Rete Gas Network Code, the following procedure describes the management procedures of the informative flows related to the connections of new productions of biomethane on the distribution grid/other TSOs networks as well as procedures for the management of capacity bookings, nominations, allocations, and measure of the volumes related to PIV. The same procedure is also applied to natural gas production Entry Points not directly interconnected to the Snam Rete Gas network, with the same characteristics above mentioned.


  • Procedura

  • 01. Modulo di comunicazione richiedente

  • 02. Informazioni anagrafiche richiedente

  • 03. Consenso trattamento dei dati personali richiedente

  • 04. Dichiarazione sostitutiva atto di notorietà richiedente

  • 05 Modulo di comunicazione entrata in esercizio richiedente

  • 06. Dichiarazione sostitutiva atto di notorietà produttore

  • 07. Informazioni anagrafiche produttore-impianto

03 April 2023 - 12:07 CEST