Measures related to the earthquakes

Following the Italian legislative decree 189/16 the Italian Regulator for Electricity, Gas and Water on 29th December 2016 and on 20th april 2017 with the Resolution 810/2016/R/com “ Avvio di procedimento ai sensi del d.l. 189/2016 e ulteriori disposizioni urgenti in materia di interventi per le popolazioni colpite dagli eventi sismici verificatisi il giorno 24 agosto 2016 e successivi” and the Resolution 252/2017/R/COM "Disposizioni in materia di agevolazioni tariffarie e rateizzazione dei pagamenti per le popolazioni colpite dagli eventi sismici verificatisi nei giorni del 24 agosto 2016 e successivi" regarding the interventions to take in the aftermath of the earthquake as far as daily natural gas transportation capacities are concerned.

SRG, in compliance with such Resolution, publishes the necessary procedure and forms to reduce booked capacity on Redelivery Points within the Municipalities as set by Annex 1, 2 and 2bis of legislative decree 189/16 and the related Off-take Areas.
For any further information, please contact the help desk service at :

Access Contracts office (CONT)
Person in charge: Daniele Agosto 
Tel. +39 02 370 38300 - key 2
Email:  conferimento


The service is available every day from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm.

  • Procedure

  • Form for the trasportation capacity reduction

  • Annex 1


03 April 2023 - 12:09 CEST