Determination of discontinuous corrispectives for the 2013-2019 period

Determination of discontinuous corrispectives for the 2013-2019 period

Pursuant to the Resolution of the Italian Authority for Energy Networks and the Environment 223/2018/R/gas on "Provisions on the overrun charges determination for the period 2013-2019, Snam Rete Gas gets avaiable the procedure and forms to make any requests to adjust the overrun charges with reference to the Redelivery Points and the related Exit Points, limited to the first adjustment session for the year in which the overrun occurred in accordance with Resolution 670/2017/R/gas.

Request for adjustment of the deviation fees pursuant to Resolution 223/2018/R/Gas point 3bis

  • Procedure

    Update 23rd October 2020

  • Modulo di richiesta conguaglio scostamento settlement (Italian version)

  • Allegato 1 (Italian version)

03 April 2023 - 12:02 CEST